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Text File | 1992-05-31 | 84.0 KB | 2,158 lines |
- Loopz
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Screen 1:EASY
- Screen 6:GRVY
- Screen11:TRBY
- Screen16:STNL
- Screen21:GZPN
- Screen26:PLGR
- Screen31:KRNC
- Screen36:BGDK
- Screen41:FRNK
- Screen46:ZSZS
- Lotus Esprit
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter first players name as FIELDS OF FIRE and second as IN A BIG COUNTRY to
- qualify without doing so. Also try entering MONSTER and SEVENTEEN.
- Magic Marble
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 01 - Advertiser
- Level 02 - Everywhere
- Level 03 - Toothpaste
- Level 04 - Connection
- Level 05 - Cleverness
- Level 06 - Copywriter
- Level 07 - Television
- Level 08 - Cigarettes
- Level 09 - Complicate
- Level 10 - Impossible
- Level 11 - Interested
- Major Motion
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Using both the mouse and the joystick at the same time will give you more
- power for ramming other vehicles.
- Manchester United
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you're losing a game whilst playing, simply press the appropriate
- key/button to start a two player game and the other team should freeze letting
- you win kinda easily, I should hope.
- Maniac Miner
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause using SPACE and press the * on keypad. Unpause and you got 9 lives, do
- it as you need, like when you get low of course.
- Marble Madness
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stay right where you start.
- Master Ninja
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On skill level screen hit SHIFT-H instead of choosing a level. You'll get 100
- of each weapon.
- Mean Streets
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4660 - Carl Lindsky John Klaus - 4650
- 4663 - San Francisco Bazil Mallory - 2713
- 6211 - David Pope Melba Wiedbush - 4122
- 5170 - Sonny Fletcher Stanford Demille - 3199
- 4920 - Delores Lightbody J. Saint Gideon - 3891
- 4650 - Frank Schimming Tom Griffith - 4590
- 4610 - Arnold Dweeb Carl's Warehouse - 4675
- 3720 - Cal Davis (Dead) Aaron Sternwood - 0439
- 3614 - Amiley Monroe Big Jim Slase - 5612
- 4603 - Lola Lovetoy Bus Locker (rrok) - 5194
- 4550 - Alcatraz Ron Morgan - 1998
- 6470 - Ron's Beach House Jorge Valdez - 4931
- 4577 - Brenda Perry Greg Call - 4753
- 9932 - Bosworth Clark Della Lang - 2111
- 0021 - Sam Jones Wanda Peck - 4621
- 5037 - Law & Order Offices
- Mega-Ball
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On any level hit RIGHT-AMIGA P for invincibility.
- Megalomania
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Megatraveler I
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A quick tip to gain cash. Find a High Tech world with a low law level and buy
- as many PGMP's as possible, although this may only be one initially. Then go
- to a lower Tech, higher law level world and sell the merchandise. The ideal
- pleanets are: LLUN/EFATE (when using the trader character on the disk you can
- purchase a PGMP for 130500 credits) and STUR/EFATE (where not only is there
- a PGMP lying on the floor nesar the Gun shop, but they can be sold for 244500
- credits). In no time at all and with a little cost (because you are staying
- within the system) you will gain riches untold!
- Menace
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The code for a large supply of shields is XR31TURBONUTTERBASTARD. This code
- should probably typed while playing, but you can type it anywhere, not that
- it is likely to work. In fact, it is very unlikely it will work at all for
- any reason unless it is typed during play.
- The code for level skipping is XR31 TURBO NUTTER BASTARD then press any key
- from 1-6 to skip to the corresponding level. Alos you may press RETURN to
- call upon extra weapons.
- Mercenary - The Second City
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fly the dominion dart as usual, fly to above 350 metres, level off (your speed
- should be 1,781 kph) and fire a missile. Pick the missile up once you get
- close to it and then land. Go to 08,08, take the crashed intergalactic craft
- and go to 08,06, go underground exit your ship and walk throuth the triangular
- door - bingo, you now have access to the authors cheat room where you'll get
- keys to every door, passes out of prison and the ability to carry oodles of
- goodies in your pockets!
- Metal Masters
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You may press the F4 key to turn off the enemies automatic mode so that he
- will be unable to move. You can now move forward and kick the hell out of the
- hunk of scrap metal with no worries as to yourself.
- Mickey Mouse
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Activation of the cheat mode is as easy as typing 61315688 then pressing these
- keys for various cheats:
- F2 - Opens a door to the next sub-game
- F3 - Starts a fight between you and a witch
- F4 - Refills your water pistol
- Midnight Resistance
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- While the game is running on demo mode, type ITS EASY WHEN YOU KNOW HOW and
- you start the game with infinite lifes.
- Midwinter
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Don't bother with the tedious procedures of recruitment, just head straight
- for enemy HQ with some dynamite and introduce them to Mr. Big Explosion.
- Also if you start every game by clicking the mouse in exactly the same place
- on the START screen, every game will be set up identically.
- Might & Magic II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To earn lots of experience make a backup of your original play disk. Now boot
- and insert the disk that contains your characters. Save them onto your second
- backup by going to the inn. Buy three tickets and try to win in all three
- arenas. Remember to save after each victory. Once you have a victory in each
- arena, go to the castle where the bishop is held captive. Before entering
- flick the write protect tab to protect your disk. Then enter and free the
- bishop with the correct key. He will give you experience if you have won
- three fights of the same color. Exit and go to town. Open write protect tab
- and save at the inn. You can repeat as often as you like.
- Monty Python
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the high scores screen you need to type SEMIPRINI to continue on with the
- same level.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As you start the game go right until the first dustbin appears. Kneel down
- in front of it and keep shooting. It will soon turn blue as the cheat mode
- is activated. Infinites all around.
- Narco Police
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MUNICION - Ammo increase by 200
- NOAMETZ# - Turn off machine guns in sector # (you fill that in)
- NOCAMZ# - Turn back on the machine gunes in sector #
- NOENEMIG - Kill off enemies
- COMENZAR - Bring the enemies back to life
- ABRIR - Open any door
- Navy Moves
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 786169 takes you to part two of the game.
- PART 1:
- Move back slightly when you encounter a mine. They're much less
- sensitive from the rear.
- Avoid jetski bullets by jumping or ducking.
- When approaching sharks, move the up and down nut left and right.
- Octopi and sea monsters are easily thwarted by holding down
- fire until both missiles are ignited and then releasing.
- Struggle to dock with a submarine? Put a mini-sub in the gap between
- the tailfin and the hull, face the left of the screen and move
- upwards slowly, the computer takes over the docking procedure for you.
- PART 2:
- The code is 948411.
- Arrows indicate the direction of the lifts.
- Kill white marines and flamethrower troops to get more ammo.
- Stand over the body and search thoroughly.
- To get the code of an official, you must shoot him with a gun,
- not a flamethrower.
- To enter computer codes, stand by a terminal, push up and
- you'll be asked for a code. Two of the codes are:
- Transmit message: 1st or 2nd transmission official
- Open door: 1st or 2nd machine official
- To open the reactor door, use the terminal next to the reactor. The
- computer confirms the bomb is planted. Go out, use the game terminal
- you used to open the door and transmit the following: OABERYAMD. Now
- type END at the ready prompt and run like hell to the conning tower.
- Navy Seals
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Play until you get a high enough score to get your name onto the high-score
- table, then enter your name as PSBOYS. Start the game again and press H to
- pause. Now you can press ESCAPE to skip to the next level. Any time you
- want to jump onto the next stage, simply press H then ESCAPE. Still, if you
- can't do the first stages, then skipping to the later ones may be even more
- embarrassing, so be warned!
- Nebulus
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type HELLOIAMJMP on the title screen. You will now have unlimited numbers of
- Pogos, and you can also go to each of the eight unfinished towers via an
- F-key. You can do the same with the second group by accepting the second
- mission before typing in the password.
- Nevermind
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To activate the cheat that lets you skip to next level by clicking the right
- mouse button, type 328GTS on the title page.
- 00 - MMMRHM 01 - AMMRHA 02 - HMMRHH 03 - VMMRHV
- 04 - PMMRHP 05 - GMMRHG 06 - IMMRHI 07 - RMMRHR
- 08 - MAMRHW 09 - AAMRHN 10 - HAMRHZ 11 - VAMRHT
- 12 - HHMWHH 13 - GAMRHQ 14 - IAMRHB 15 - RAMRHF
- 16 - MHWWHM 17 - AHMWHA 18 - HHMWHJ 19 - VHMWHV
- 20 - PHMWHP 21 - GHMWHG 22 - IHMWHI 23 - RHMWHR
- 24 - MVMWHW 25 - AVMWHN
- New Zealand Story
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause, press M. After you hear the laser type MOTHERFUCKENKIWIBASTARD for
- unlimited lifes. Or FLUFFY KIWIS does the same thing.
- On level 2.4 stand at the entrance to the octopus room and fire to the right a
- few times. A warp will take you to level 3.1.
- To access the cheat mode just press "TRY CHEATING" (including the space) keys
- together while on the title screen. The border should turn grey and when you
- start the game you have infinite kiwi's and the ability to skip levels by
- pressing "<-".
- Anyone heard of the whirl-winds? They advance you levels. Near the end of
- level 1.1 there are three large steps that you must climb to reach your
- brother (sister?), who is in a cage. Stand at the left edge of the top step,
- facing left and jump. But as you jump, fire. If your current weapon is
- arrows, fire halfway up, but if your weapon is bombs, fire at the top of your
- jump. A whirl-wind should appear after four hits, and it will take you to
- level 1.4.
- In 1.4, you will be in a little box under some water. Go up and to the right,
- and you come out in a small room with three boxes on the right hand side. Go
- up these, and you will see 4 long spaces, the top one having an "N" and a "D"
- in it. Go up to the top one, get the letters, stand in the centre of the
- space, facing left, and fire. Yep, you guessed it, another whirl-wind. This
- one takes you to level 2.4.
- Or on level 2.4 , stand at the entrance to the room where the giant octopus
- is located and fire to the right several times. A warp will appear that will
- take you to the beginning of level 3.1.
- On level 1, part 1, move to the area containing three men with boomerangs,
- shoot them. Go to the top of the third platform, move to the left, jump and
- fire five times. A whirlwind in a box will appear, if you enter it, you will
- be transported to the end of the level. Then you can free Tiki's naughty
- friend just by jumping.
- When you recch the ice whale, move to the right-hand side of the spikes, avoid
- the crystals, and wait until he picks you up. Once inside the whale, you can
- start shooting, but avoid the ice drops.
- Meeting the rock monster without bombs makes him difficult to pass. So
- collect bombs, go to the highest platform and shoot him. Kill it by either
- dodging the bullets and hitting it when the doors open, or by fireballs.
- The last boss you encounter is the balloon seal. He cant be killed, by blows
- to the body, so you must hit the balloon. Be careful for the balloon seal is
- armed with a cannon and shoots cannon balls at Tiki.
- The town names are:
- Neuromancer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When you first begin, sell all your body parts. You can get along just fine
- without them for now, and it gives you enough to get a half way decent deck.
- You will eventually need to buy them back before you start entering
- cyber-space, or you will be killed easily.
- New York Warriors
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Stay all the way to the right on level 4 to reach the subway without much
- trouble.
- Nightbreed
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rather than ripping your hair during the encounter with Peloquin, just switch
- your joystick to autofire, sit back and wait for the next scene to pop up.
- Nightshift
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 02 - Cherry, Banana, Banana, Lemon
- 03 - Banana, Cherry, Pineapple, Plum
- 04 - Pineapple, Lemon, Pineapple, Pineapple
- 05 - Pineapple, Pineapple, Lemon, Cherry
- 06 - Cherry, Plum, Plum, Pineapple
- 08 - Pineapple, Banana, Pineapple, Cherry
- 09 - Pineapple, Lemon, Lemon, Cherry
- 10 - Lemom, Banana, Plum, Plum
- Ninja Mission
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- While playing, on entering a room, push the joystick in the direction of the
- enemy and hold the fire button. This will freeze them, making them a lot
- easier to beat up.
- Ninja Spirit
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press F9 then CAPS key then LEFT-SHIFT. The game will continue with an
- unlimited supply of ninja. If this fails to work try hitting CTRL before
- Ninja Warriors
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are many fun things to do in this game besides play it, here are some
- of them, but first press the CAPS key before typing them, then after typing
- them press the CAPS key again:
- THE TERMINATOR - Ninja body parts explode when you die
- MONTY PTHON - Enemies walk backwards
- SKIPPY - Enemies bounce
- A SMALL STEP FOR MAN - Moon gravity
- STEVE AUSTIN - Press S during play toggles slow motion
- on/off
- MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU - Infinite stamina
- WARP FACTOR ONE MR SULU - Level skips (keys 1-6)
- CHEDDAR - Unlimited credits
- GENESIS OF DALEKS - Photo negative screen mode
- It may be that you need to press ALT while typing these.
- Nitro
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To have lots of fuel from the very start of things type MAJ for your name.
- Oops Up
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The code for the last level is 4799.
- The rest of the codes are:
- PO01,DK51,30FJ,FL59,Q058,FA20,5F6J,CKD4,NF05,D04G,40V8,FDL0,V03D,49F8,
- WAQD,XO38,UU09,40FJ,X03C,X03C,DK49,G8LD,P49X,A0A5,39VS,XPE4,FE5C,CXE5,
- 32H4,PD30,10F4,D947,FD4G,DK48,206G,DK39,DGLO,D049,6P05,FO49,4G7H,XPE5,
- UP9F,AQ1Q,S046,VE96,X94B,E114,D824,84DS,S04L,FOR0,2FF7,R4KG,39GH,PW04,
- OEP5,R4G6,MF03,OW75,MC90,0OTB,TI27,W3RE,905W,TRP2,6GI3,REWQ,IPOU,HGF6,
- MUE0,ER7E,NEPT,W8GA,PI31,2I10,A234,X3Q1,NEC1,GUF7,A3K9,C5J0,JH90,JUBI,
- V069,T800,4799.
- Operation Wolf
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- At the end of a level, between the time when you kill the last bastard and
- the time appears, rolling the mouse down causes damage to decrease.
- For the most accurate shot possible, pause the game with F1, position your
- crosshairs over the selected enemy, unpause the game, click the button and
- blast him to hell.
- Operation Thunderbolt
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You should get a score of at least 50,000 (good luck!) and on the high scores
- table enter your name as WIGAN NINJA. Now hit F7 to skip about the levels.
- But level skipping probably won't help without infinite lives, so type your
- name as EDOM TAEHC instead and that's what you have.
- If the game isn't quite tough enough, perhaps typing SPECCY MODE into the
- high score table will provide more challenge, doubling the amount of
- enemies.
- On the title screen you should press F8 and hit the fire button at the same
- time for laser sights, but on 2 player games hit F2 instead instead of F8.
- Overlander
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Just a few tips - When cruising the highway don't stop shooting, and always
- choose the highest paid mission. Buy fuel carefully - only enough for that
- level, after level 1 you MUST buy a leanburner. Try to stay in the middle of
- the road and travel fast, travelling slowly only burns more fuel. Fire bombs
- are more useful than smart bombs when you learn how to use them.
- Bulletproofing is necessary after level 2. When travelling through the
- barriers the best speed is 90-120mph.
- Outrun
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type RED BARCHETTA to activate the cheat mode then:
- T - 10 extra seconds
- S - Skip Level
- B - Restart same level
- P47
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type ZEBEDEE on the high score page then press F1 to skip levels and F2 for
- more and more lives.
- Pacland
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When the title screen appears, type AVALON. It should flash indicating
- you now have unlimited lives! If that doesn't work, try the following:
- Start a 2 player game. Make it as far as you can with player 1.
- With player 2, you must be able to make it as far as the fairy to collect
- your boots. Now that you have gotten your boots, you are going backwards to
- where you started. Push the THIRD cactus on the way back, and a yellow
- pacman will appear. Get it, now kill player 2. Continue playing with
- player 1. Every time player 1 dies, get the yellow pacman with player 2 and
- kill player 2 immediately. As long as you keep getting the yellow pacman
- with player 2, player 1 will never die.
- Hints:
- Level 1 - Run to the third fire hydrant, and when you get there, jump over
- it and push it to the left. This will give you a blue hat that
- will make you invulnerable to the little ghosts that fall from
- planes.
- Level 2 - Run to the third cactus, and push it to the left. You will now be
- invulnerable for the entire level!
- Level 3 - After getting your magic boots, push the third cactus on the way
- back for a free life.
- - Jump on the roof of ghost's car to escape
- - Only use powerpills when ghosts are in range, or else it is wasted
- - When you reach the breaktime sign, jump when you are about 1 inch away
- for a bonus (depending how high you are when the level ends)
- Pandora
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1: Wait a few moments for amy to appear.
- 2: Take ID Amy and find the Second Officer. Pick up the Lazer Rifle
- from the table next to him.
- 3: Put Lazer Rifle into backpack-don't use it yet.
- 4: Find the Engineer, take his ID and the Sonic Driver.
- 5: Find the Lt Commander, take his ID and carry it.
- 6: Find the Commander, take his ID and carry it. Also take the Code
- Blue and Code Scarlet.
- 7: Find the Captain, take his SDI disk and leave the ID Lt.Commander
- 8: Shoot the Ice Lord with the Lazer Rifle.
- 9: Carry the ID Engineer to go through the force field.
- 10: Find the AWOL officer and take his ID.
- 11: Carry the Sonic Driver and head for the Robomechanic.
- 12: Swap the Sonic Driver for the Code Ochre.
- 13: Carry the SDI Disk and go to the SDI computer.
- 14: Give the SDI computer these items in the following order:
- SDI Disk, Code Scarlet, Code Ochre and Code Blue.
- 15: Carry the Engineer's ID and exit the Engineering Section. Then
- swith to ID AWOL.
- 16: Go the transporter and enter along the arrow.
- 17: That's all folks.
- Pang
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- At the map type WHAT A NICE CHEAT, so then the map should change purple, now
- you can select what level you want to start at, be quick.
- Paradroid
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hit F3 on the title page for an options screen.
- Pegasus
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- THERE are only four codes!
- levels
- 1. SCREECH 10-19
- 2. DRAGONFLY 20-29
- 3. BEEBOP 30-39
- 4. CELESTIAL 40-49
- THE energy is at $1a008
- the lives is at $1a002
- Peter Beardsley's International Soccer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Continual tapping of the fire button while in possession of the ball prevents
- any other players from tackling.
- Pipeline
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The codes are FOLD, EYES, EGGS, TEAR, PEAS, DUCT, & PODS.
- Pipemania
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The passwords are GRIP, TICK, DUCK, OOZE, BLOB, BALL, & WILD.
- Pirates
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When fighting against unbelievable odds dont panic. Choose the longsword.
- Keep using the slash-high attack to cause the most dammage. You may get down
- to only one man left, but you can still defeat the enemy captain. After you
- win, select Send A Prize Crew so you will have enough people to sail your
- ship.
- Don't attack a nation your home country is allied with, it will upset both of
- them.
- Don't wed till you've got all your promotions, your oppurtunities will be much
- better. Make conversation with all the Governors daughters, however, they
- might gather important information for you from the Governors mansion.
- Platoon
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type HAMBURGER on the title page. The word CHEAT will appear below the
- credits. Press your fire button, then F5 when the jungle screen comes up.
- You are now invulnerable. From here:
- F1 - Starts where you are
- F2 - Puts you at the location of the explosives
- F3 - Takes you to the bridges
- F4 - Takes you to the village (now vulnerable again)
- Plauge
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a score ending in a 3, then hit the P key and then ESC. Click on 'no'
- when asked to play again. This takes you to the title screen with the picture
- of the drooling barbarian with the gun. Now type:
- and hit RETURN. The border should turn green. Hit the fire button to return
- to the game and you will now have infinite lives. Do all this on the first
- level before you are killed for the first time.
- Pool of Radiance
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Once you find any item you can make as many copies of it as you want.
- 1 - Create a dummy character.
- 2 - Load a saved game and transfer all the good items to the dummy.
- 3 - Remove the dummy character from the party.
- 4 - Load the dummy character back in.
- 5 - Transfer the items to other members.
- 6 - Drop the dummy character from the party.
- 7 - Repeat steps 4-6 as many times as needed.
- Populous
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter KILLUSPAL on the title page to warp to level 999.
- Powerdrift
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Select any course except D and win all the races, you must get the gold medal.
- Collect all the gold medals and you enter a bonus round on a secret course
- with you in control of the F-14 Tomcat from Afterburnner. With no collision
- detection. Do the same thing on course D and you will be in control of the
- Super Hang-On bike.
- Power, The
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level Code Level Code Level Code Level Code
- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
- 6 - OOPSUP 7 - TOPTEN 8 - D14DH7 9 - ASDFGH
- 10 - SOLONG 11 - SURFIN 12 - RACKET 13 - BULLIT
- 14 - QRAZZY 15 - 36F6FR 16 - UNLINK 17 - PIXXEL
- 18 - EUROPE 19 - NEWTON 20 - FREEZE 21 - LAUNCH
- 22 - M7MS49 23 - GALVAN 24 - KLOWWM 25 - INDIGO
- 26 - JINGLE 27 - JOGGER 28 - INSIDE 29 - 5P25PS
- 30 - KNIGHT 31 - HINOON 32 - NOBODY 33 - GOODIE
- 34 - OQZAYB 35 - ELTRIC 36 - 187293 37 - QROVVY
- 38 - DOUBLE 39 - ROLLER 40 - CLOSET 41 - SLOWLY
- 42 - BISNEZ 43 - 124816 44 - TARGET 45 - ANZING
- 46 - VOHDOH 47 - Z97531 48 - WOODIS 49 - Y2X3W5
- 50 - XUQZOX
- There are more than 50 levels, but there are no more level codes!
- Powermonger
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- These aren't really cheats, but some things the manual was rather unclear
- about or didn't mention at all. First of all, when inventing, it is often
- helpful to zoom in all the way on the towns (or anywhere for that matter).
- It makes things go faster, and your inventions will be done sooner. Also, in
- order to get a captain on your side, find a town with a captain in it. He'll
- be the guy in the cape, usually standing in the middle of town. Next, set
- your aggression level to Passive. Then go and attack the town. Make sure you
- can beat them first! If you attack on Passive, your men don't kill anyone,
- but rather forcibly coerce them into joining your side. If you win, you will
- get everyone in the town on your side, including the captain.
- PPHammer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Predator
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- F10 restores your energy.
- Predator II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Start the game as normal and pause the action. Now type in YOU'RE ONE UGLY
- MOTHER and restart the action. You should now be some kind os super-cop with
- infinite energy. Maybe then you'll stand a better chance against the villains
- and the nasty, scaly-skinned alien killer!
- Prehistorik
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- After killing the strange turtle-like creature on the first level, you should
- come to a screen with two carnivorous fish bouncing up and down in the water,
- along with four banks. To get to the secret room don't jump over the first
- well. Instead, jump inside it and fall down into the secret room!
- Later on the first level, look out for a ladder near some water which leads
- up to a platform containing an egg. Climb the ladder and take the egg, then
- go to the left into the water to find the submarine room.
- There is also a way to find some hidden extra food. Go to the third screen
- of level three and jump forward hitting empty space. The hidden food should
- now appear.
- Prince of Persia
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Skip levels using the key combination of either CAPS J or CAPS L, whichever
- one works.
- Prophecy I - The Viking Child
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Here are the codes:
- DENIS - The forest
- THE BLIZ - The bridge
- SHARKMAN - The labyrinth
- NYMHARSW - The desert
- Puffys Saga
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause the game when your health nears zero, then run your fingers along F1
- thru F7. You'll get 2000 healths, 4 keys, 4 Goms, and you'll be transported
- to the next level. Also, if you have 2 Goms, you can call up a map of the
- level by pressing the F6 and/or F7 keys.
- Press F5 and F6 together and you will be advanced to level 7. Press DEL to
- goto level 8 press it again to go to level 9
- Puzznic
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When playing the game, press the space bar to bring up the retry screen, but
- don't release the spacebar. All the time that it is held down the game will
- be paused and you can work out what to do without having to rush.
- Level 48 - ICHI MICH
- 49 - IGAN BARO
- 50 - PASS WORD
- 51 - MINA SAMA
- 52 - NO.O KAGE
- 53 - DE.N ANTO
- 54 - KASH IAGA
- 55 - RIMA SITA
- 56 - THAN KYOU
- 57 - MAID OOKA
- 58 - IAGE ITAD
- 59 - AKIM ASHI
- 60 - TEAR IGAT
- Quadralien
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Access codes: level 1- 170961, level 2- 010655, level 3- 610169.
- And now, some tips: once in the core, you can't quit. So choose droids with
- good lasers, Jack and Spud for example. The Quadralien mother is made up of
- 4 separate pieces grouped together and surrounded by Earthling boxes. The
- mother can only be destroyed by blowing up each box from a different
- direction. From the starting point there are three exits: north, east, and
- west. Go east and destroy the first box, return to the starting point, and
- go north to destroy the second box. You will now have both droids to blow
- the remaining boxes. Go west through the one-way force field, and get the
- other. Don't forget to keep recharging.
- R-Type
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter SUMITA at the high score screen for infinite lives.
- Load the game; when you get the "insert disk 2 and press space" prompt, press
- HELP and type ME, then press the up arrow (between INSERT and CLR HOME). Now
- insert disk 2 and press space. While playing the game, you can become
- impervious to collisions (F5), impervious to enemy fire (F6), get infinite
- credits (F7), and put the orb in the control of a second player with a stick
- plugged in the mouse port (F8). Neat!
- Rainbow Islands
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We all know that collecting the seven different-colored gems gives you an
- extra life and a 100,000 Bonus Gem once the Boss is defeated. But collecting
- all of the gems in the correct order of color (from left to right on the gem
- counter) not only awards you the life and Bonus Gem, it also grants you access
- to a magical secret room. When you reach the end of the level, a silver door
- appears. `You don't have to fight the Boss. (Hint A)
- Even more useful is how to create any color gem. The screen is split into
- several invisible vertical stripes of color. When a gem falls, its color is
- determined by the `color' of the area into which it fell. Now all you have to
- do is guage carefully where the dead enemy will fall to create the gem color
- of your choice. (Hint B )
- Type these codes on the title page:
- BLRBJSBJ - Fast Feet
- RJSBJSBR - Double Rainbows
- SSSLLRRS - Faster Rainbows
- BJBJBJRS - Displays hint
- LJLSLBLS - Displays another nint
- SJBLRJSR - Unknown
- LBSJRLJL - Continue on all rounds
- Rally Cross
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As the game starts, follow the railway track and the screen will go blan. Now
- you will find yourself with 24 tokens with which you can equip your car with
- just about anything.
- Raider
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rambo III
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get on the high-score list and type RENEGADE. Pressing 1,2 and 3 will drop
- you on the level of your choice. And now for some tips:
- 1) When inside the 2nd building, wear your IR goggles.
- 2) Don't walk in front of soldiers, since it will trigger an
- alarm and about 8 soldiers will jump you!
- 3) If you enter a dark room, use the glow tube.
- 4) Never use a gun without a silencer.
- 5) Turn off the electric door with switch located several
- rooms away.
- 6) The mine detector won't work without the generator.
- 7) The IR goggles won't work without a battery.
- 8) Watch out for IR beams, since they also trigger alarms.
- Here's a list of items you can find:
- arrows, silencer, first aid kit, IR goggles, glow tube, battery, key, mine,
- detector (in 2 pieces), pistol, ammo, rubber gloves (you never know when you
- can be expected to perform major surgery!!!)
- Retaliator
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter your name as THE DIDY MEN. Click on the Colonel icon and press RETURN.
- Select the battle area as normal and select mission control. Accept a mission
- without selecting one. Now play the game as normal. Tap the RETURN key to
- land without crashing. For infinite weapons use the name CIARAN.
- Return of the Jedi
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- At the high score table type DARTH VADER now hit F2 to skip levels.
- Return to Genesis
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type WASP.ASM on the title page and press F5 for invincibility.
- Revelation
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 10 `Sirens`
- Level 20 `Loader`
- Level 30 `Player`
- Level 40 `Result`
- Level 50 `Dollar`
- Level 60 `Change`
- Level 70 `Finger`
- Rick Dangerous
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type POOKY at the high score screen to continue with the current level.
- Rings of Medusa
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- After typing your name type DESOXYRIBONUXLEINSAEURE then press HELP.
- Rings of Zon
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the games options screen press the LEFT AMIGA key to activate cheat mode,
- then in the game use F9 and F10 to cheat.
- Risky Woods
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- F1 - for more lives
- F2 - for more money
- F3 - to skip to next level
- Roadblasters
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type LAVILLASTRANGIATO on the starting line then:
- X - Spin Car
- S - Skip Stage
- P - Refuel
- G - End Game
- 1 - Mount UZ Cannon
- 2 - Cruise Missles
- 3 - Electro Shields
- 4 - Nitro Injectors
- 0 - Remove all weapons
- Robocop
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause and type BEST KEPT SECRET for invincibility.
- Robocop II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type SERIALINTERFACE and F9 for energy and F10 to skip levels.
- Rock N Roll
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type RAINBOW ARTS for your name. To level warp enter:
- Level number, XX, followed by four digits when added together equal the level
- number, XX, and then the level number reversed.
- Example: Level 12 Enter - 12 XX 3333 XX 21
- To hear the sountrack type COUNTRY.
- Find the special hole on level 1. Its suronded by 3 left pointing arrows.
- Fall down the hole, press the left mouse button. You have warped to level 33.
- Rock Star Ate My Hamster
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Simply type the word COLBOPS and now press F7 for an extra 100,000 pounds
- cash. Pressing F8 will make your band play as well as it possibly can.
- F9 will produce maximum crowds at your gigs.
- Rocket Ranger
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Rescue the professor as this slows down the nazis, they can't use him to
- increase their efficiency. You will waste valuable time unless you rescue
- him from the Zeppelin while he is over the Atlantic
- Shooting the gunner in the Gondola is tricky, the best method being shoot
- below the gunner and move left and right until you are on target. Gradually
- move up until you hit the Gondola. When you hit it there is a flash, stop
- firing and after a few seconds you'll be inside the Gondola.
- Find the supply of Lunarium before the Fort Knox supply runs out, so
- infiltrate the Nazi base which recieves Lunarium from the moon. It is in
- South America or Africa, once infiltrated, your agent there will cary on
- sending you Lunarium throughout the game. You will have to storm the Nazi
- base first.
- NOTE: In a different magazine it recommends you don't waste time rescuing the
- professor, as you will be always too late. Instead use the agents to find
- rocket factories, and uranium depots.
- Rolling Thunder
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type JIMBBBY for infinite energy. Hit I to change levels.
- Rotor
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 1 - GAG
- Level 2 - LIP
- Level 3 - FLY
- Level 4 - MEN
- Level 5 - AWE
- Level 6 - TNT
- PIT for the battle sim.
- Saint Dragon
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CAPS WEAPON0,LEVEL0,LIVES0 to increase it.
- Sarakon
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Passwords are: LUNKWILL and VRANX
- Satan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hold down ALT+1+D during game one and you receive infinite lives. Do the
- same to ALT+1+M during game two for infinite lives and credits.
- Savage
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type BRUISER for infinites.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IN A GARDEN IN on the title page you can give yourself bags of time by hitting
- T in the game.
- Scorpian
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a high score, type "IMPORTLIGAT" for ten lives.
- SDI (Sega version)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shoot all the swirling pods, then on the hi score page type in ALERIC. Now
- use the F-Keys to select any level you wish.
- SDI (Cinemaware version)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When your in the Russian space station, pick one man and keep firing at him
- 10 or 15 times. No other men will appear and you can keep doing it until you
- get the girl.
- Secret of Monkey Island
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press CTRL-W to skip to the ending of the game.
- Secret of the Silver Blades
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- No use being repititous, check out the entry for Pool of Radiance for full
- details on how to cheat this game.
- Sentinel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A few level codes to call up:
- 3) 70511958 19) 55742564 80) 18452261 196) 72957558
- 8) 16257084 36) 97578966 103) 36873128 225) 38546570
- 10) 43428170 50) 61185004 127) 06567770
- 11) 40556356 61) 26060764 150) 92856449
- 18) 68627185 66) 68657887 169) 16788555
- Seven Gates of Jambala
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Not the simplest of cheat modes, this. On the title screen type (with spaces)
- YICKE YACKE H[HNERKACKE hold down the left shift button, hold down 1,
- release 1, release left shift. The title should turn to blue. Go to the
- game. Keys 1-7 take you to the levels, F1-F5 select weapons and G to give
- you gold. Check out the other function buttons too...
- Shadow of the Beast
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For infinite lifes down both mouse buttons and joystick and keep them held
- till the Insert Disk 2 prompt appears. This tip does not work on all
- versions.
- Shadow of the Beast II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Go to the right until you get to the forest, where the warrior says to you,
- "DO NOT ENTER THESE WOODS", press the A the type TEN PINTS then it will say
- Level Passwords
- --------------------
- Level 1 - Eternity
- Level 2 - Sunstone
- Level 3 - Necropolis
- Also, try these words in the game: MALETO, KARAM, PIGM, PYGM, SEA,
- Shadow Dancer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause the game, type GIVE ME INFINITES and unpause the game. There is also a
- "hot key" for completing levels, but the mag dosen't say which one!
- Shadow Warriors
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- During the intro sequence hold down CTRL, J, ESC, 5, F2, RIGHT ALT
- (,V, SMALL, ENTER, and HELP. In the game hit HELP for next level and Q forinvulnerability to punches and kicks
- Shinobi
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause the game and type:
- LARSVII - unlimited credits
- LARSVII - while hloding down left mouse button to enter colour mode
- Q - while paused lets you eneter music mode.
- T - When the SHINOBI logo appears and move mouse to control it.
- Shockwave
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A few hints and tips follow on how each of the four zones (armys, factorys,
- mines and rigs) effect the game:
- MINES - Each time a mine is purchased the income you receive for each time
- pass doubles.
- FACTORYS - The more factorys you have the faster more weapons are produced,
- these are essential.
- RIGS - These supply you with the fuel for each mission run. The more rigs
- you have the greater the amount of fuel you receive for each
- time pass.
- ARMYS - For every army unit you own, the enemy slows down, eg. you have one
- army unit, for each four time passes that occur the enemy won't move
- for one time pass. If more than 50% of the sector is occupied by the
- enemy then you will lose one of your assests for each time pass that
- occurs. The best solution is when 30% of the sector is occupied go
- an attack the enemy.
- Sidearms
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1] Hit [CAPS LOCK].
- 2] While playing type in FTBOK.
- 3] You may now use the following keys:
- 1-5: Weapons Select
- 6 : Faster Speed
- 7 : Slower Speed
- 8 : Lives
- 9 : Beta Suit
- T : Game Stats
- X+#: Set Stage (1-9,0)
- K : Kill Off Enemy
- D : Screen Dump/Die
- C : Clear 'Last' Enemy of Stage
- R : Restart
- H : ???
- L : Add 100K to score
- I : Menu
- Q : Quit to Desktop
- P] Pause
- J] Joystick
- M] Mouse
- Sidewinder
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you look on disk 2, you will see a screen editor program. You can access
- a specific level by pressing the appropriate function key. You can save the
- changes by holding down both mouse buttons. You should back up disk 2 first,
- since the changes are permanent.
- Silkworm
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1 - hold down the HELP key and keep it pressed while pressing fire and
- you get infinite lives and can move thru the levels by pressing
- the numeric keys 1 to 0 and the minus key.
- Version 2 - If you have the latest version then attempting the above will
- reveal the message: "Congratulations! you have found the cheat
- mode... unfortunately it has been ZZAPPED!". If this happens
- goto the control selection and type "scrap 28' and start the game.
- Sim City
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hold SHIFT, type FUND and get $10,000.
- Another tip is to set the citizen's taxes to 0%. Then just before tax
- collection (December or November if playing at fast speed) quickly set the
- taxes up to 20%. Then after you collect taxes, put it back down to 0%.
- This way the citizens think they are not paying any taxes.
- You can build land on water. Find a straight (horizontal or vertical),
- stretch of coastline and string a powerline along it. Next, move one
- square over, out into the water and string another powerline parallel to
- the first. Repeat as many times as you want. Then just
- bulldoze all the excess powerlines and you can build on the new land.
- To MAKE land you simply make a 3 lane highway across any water source.
- When you make a road by putting 3 sections of road on top of three section
- of road on top of three sections of road (3 by 3) you make 1 section of
- land in the middle. WWWWW WWWWW To make more land, just
- WRRRW WRRRW move you roads over, or
- L= land WRRRW = WRLRW make your roads 4 by 4,
- W= water WRRRW WRRRW 5 by 5 etc. Play with
- R= road LLRRRLL LLRRRLLL it. It'll work.
- Sinbad
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As you are about to die select the close icon, then continue.
- Skidz
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Start as usual and hold down the firebutton ALT and C together for infinite
- lives.
- Hold down fire ALT and M for access to any level.
- Sku Shark
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Back up your second disk, and look at it with the desktop. You'll see some
- files called "LEVEL(number).MAP". By simply renaming LEVEL5.MAP into
- LEVEL1.MAP, you can start playing on level 5, or any other level.
- Slayer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- At the end of level 1 make sure your on your last life and kock out all the
- guns and green monsters, then crash into the machine the monster was in.
- You'll start level 2 with infinite lives.
- Confront the end-of-level guardian with one life intact. Press D then
- crash into its dead body. You'll now have infinite lives.
- Sly Spy
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter 007 and type SHAKEN NOT STIRRED for cheat.
- Solomans Key
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type HELP when it says hit a key to load.
- Sonic Boom
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the high score table enter DOUGAL. Next time you play you will find:
- F1 - Increase energy
- F2 - Awards a full drone squadron
- F3 - Skip to next level
- Sorcery
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type in GAS MASK WHEELER WANTS CHEAT to open all doors, to stop the timer and
- to be able to enter the '+' part of the game.
- Space Ace
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To see the entire game just type DODEMODEXTER.
- Space Harrier I
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you look at disk two, you'll see some files called LEVEL2.DAT (for
- example). If you rename THEEND.DAT (or whatever it's called) to LEVEL1.DAT,
- you will see the end sequence without playing the game!
- Enter your name as RAF for infinite lives.
- Space Harrier II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you look at disk two, you'll see some files called LEVEL2.DAT (for
- example). If you rename THEEND.DAT (or whatever it's called) to LEVEL1.DAT,
- you will see the end sequence without playing the game!
- Enter your name as SPOT for infinite lives.
- Spy Who Loved Me
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MISS MONEYPENNY for infinite lives, F10 to skip levels.
- Spellbound
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Spherical
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The codes are:
- Spittin Image
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fight in this order: Reagan, Pope, Gorby, Pope, Ayatollah, Pope, Botha Pope,
- Margaret, Pope.
- Spiderman
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When the title screen loads, hit the fire button. When you get the options
- screen choose 2 and click the button once. Hit 2 on the keyboard and now in
- game hit HELP key to regain health.
- Spidertronic
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a high score and enter CHEAT on the screen, press RETURN and then the fire
- button; the screen will go black; a prompt will appear: Last game level:
- GAME.LS0 New game level: Type GAME.LS and the number of the level you wanna
- play. Press RETURN and then the fire button, and you start playing on the
- desired level.
- Spy vs Spy
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Wait by the door to the airport and booby trap all doors, when the other spy
- has got all the stuff, he will be killed trying to get out. If for some odd
- reason he isn't killed, kick him a few times.
- Starflight
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In the trade depot at the space station buy " 1000" Endurium. Sell it all back
- and you have an additional 20,000 mu's. If you only sell 990 back you get
- 2,714,000 mu's.
- Starglider
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Slow down your ship and hit F1 for fixed sights. BACKSPACE to pause game and
- JS ARG S for invincibility, unlimited fuel & shields. Press P to get more
- missles.
- Press Z for secret object viewer. Press P to pause then use , & . to use
- objects.
- Starglider II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Slow down your ship & hit F for fixed sights. BACKSPACE to pause game and
- type WERE ON A MISSION FROM GOD, then press 1. Shield & Weapons are now
- fixed and press K for weapons.
- Stargoose
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hit all the F-Keys from F1 to F10 for unlimited protection.
- Starquake
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The teleport codes:
- Starray
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Access the option screen by pressing space. Move down to the view game
- options screen. Push the joystick left and hit fire. The game screen should
- appear, center the joystick and press fire again. The options screen should
- reappear.
- Move down to the sound on option. Push the stick right and hit fire. If
- sound on changes to sound off start all over. Return to the view game screen
- option. Push right and while holding it in this direction hold down the right
- mouse button. Press the left mouse button.
- The options screen should change to cheat mode. Return to resume game and
- continue play with a shield that never depletes. If this doesn't work, try
- again from a new game. Simple, no?
- Stormlord
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- While the game loads hold the left mouse and joystick buttons. Press the
- SPACE as the game starts then type MNBYC for infinite lives and time. Press
- L for level skips.
- On the credit screen type DRAGONBRIDGE.
- Stormtrooper
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- JAMES CAMERON typed in on the high score screen will get you lives by
- hitting F9.
- Street Fighter
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To progress to the next level type STREET CHEAT on the title page and press
- the HELP key.
- Strider
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hit F9 to pause. Hold down HELP, LEFT SHIFT, and 1. Let go then hit F10 to
- begin. Now you can use keys 1-5 to warp to the levels. Hitiing F1-F4 will
- warp to sections 1-4 of each level. Also, F1-F4 revamps energy.
- Strider II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press the following keys together - HELP, left Amiga and 1 key. Pressing 1-5
- will skip through the levels and F1-F4 will teleport Strider to the
- corresponding level.
- Start the game and type SWIFT. A cheat icon should appear and now pressing
- E will replenish Strider's energy, while D will replenish the Strider
- robot's energy.
- Stryx
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hold HELP M E for restock everything.
- Hold HELP M E P for all 4 door passes.
- Sundog
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- You can get shields for 350 Cr to 400 Cr, depending where you are. To get
- them, go to the weapon store and click on the rapid heal, and then click on
- YES, then instead of clicking on the rapid heal, go right of it, so you are
- on a blank space. Click now and you will have found a shield which you didn't
- have before in one of your carrying squares. Though it says 'Shield', after
- one hit, it will say Shield (7).
- Super Cars
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When asked to enter your name, type in the word RICH to get half a million
- quid to spend. Or type in the word BIGC to take you to the last and most
- challenging level. Enter ODIE for a 2nd level start.
- Super Cars II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Before you start playing the game type HARD DRIVING (not sure about the
- space of the G). Suppossed to give you infinite money if it works.
- For a cheat mode, enter player ones name as WONDERLAND, and player two
- as THE SEER. you can now start the game in one or two player mode with a
- cheat mode active.
- Super Hang-On
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get the high score for the continent and enter 750J for your name. Hold down
- CONTROL, LEFT ALT, Z, T as the credits changes. Let go of the T and you
- activate the cheat. Press the AMIGA key to activate your machine guns! Enter
- new coefficiants for the road turns using the keypad. The initial sets are
- 60 and 45.
- Supremacy
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you scrap a solar satellite on a planet with no reserves of fuel, you will
- gain 30,000 tons of the stuff.
- Switchblade
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type POOKY on the high scores and 1-5 for level warps.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type NCC-1701 and hit RETURN during the game for infinites.
- In-game press P to pause the game and type NCC-1701 then press N, the screen
- will flash. Press P again to unpause and from there on both players will now
- have infinite lives. (The - symbol refers to the one on the main keyboard NOT
- the numeric keypad)
- After defeating a Goosecopter, fire continously at one of the tokens.
- After 32 hits, it will turn into a star, which when collected will yield
- mega-powerful six-way fire. Just be careful not to hit the token again
- before collecting it, or it will revert back to the one of the ordinary
- power-up tokens.
- Sword of Sodan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Play, get a high, type NANCY for unlimiteds. Or boot disk 3 for fun.
- Tangram
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 - (Starting Level) 21-95912 41-54796
- 2 - 03797 22-58819 42-96296
- 3 - 58829 23-58890 43-50897
- 4 - 73159 24-85239 44-71231
- 5 - 88530 25-72851 45-98488
- 6 - 22585 26-47530 46-40965
- 7 - 64383 27-46574 47-70834
- 8 - 50037 28-81152 48-46121
- 9 - 85164 29-72493 49-31089
- 10- 07274 30-81093 50-27277
- 11- 37322 31-51522 51-08439
- 12- 25105 32-58875 52-38599
- 13- 70473 33-59092
- 14- 83524 34-74665
- 15- 85720 35-36388
- 16- 71990 36-39793
- 17- 15683 37-43456
- 18- 24759 38-51499
- 19- 10439 39-63588
- 20- 14278 40-47672
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the security code entry screen type 8859 and press RETURN then enter 1506
- and press RETURN. Now enter the correct code and then press HELP when
- playing for infinite energy.
- Test Drive
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hold the button as you negotiate curves and you wont crash.
- Before taking off rev up your engine, you'll gain quite a bit of time this
- way.
- Test Drive II - The Duel
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- AERF - Fast acceleration, quick braking.
- GASS - Jump to gas station with amazing time.
- GASST - Jump to gas station with average time.
- ,BRUCE - Change road signs.
- BRULE - May be correct to change the signs.
- 6OUTRAN - Unknown.
- Before taking off rev up your engine, you'll gain quite a bit of time this
- way.
- Think Cross
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Three Stooges
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Slow down the scene selector by entering the slapping game and pulling Curlys
- ear till time runs out.
- Thrust
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From the desktop, insert the game disk. Look for the CHEAT.PRG icon and
- double-click on it. You can survive collisions by typing CHEAT during the
- game.
- Thunderbirds
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 2 - RECOVERY
- Level 3 - ALOYSIUS
- Level 4 - ANDERSON
- Thunderblade
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type CRASH to skip levels with the HELP key.
- Thundercats
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Find a place where bonus comes up frequently and stay their. You should be
- able to get quite a few free lives.
- Time Machine
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a high score and enter DIZZY. Now skip to any zone by pressing a number
- key.
- Times of Lore
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- No need to fight the orcs on the first mission, grab the urn and get out is
- the safest way.
- Brown scroll kills all monsters on the screen, white scroll freezes them
- for a limited time (act now!), green scroll teleports (use only twice), white
- potion random energy refuel, green potion complete refuel. Boots of speed
- are in Treela, magic axe is in Lankwell. Save your game often! When playing
- at night, turn up the contrast and brightness settings (it won't make the
- game any smarter, though!).
- Titan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. J4JMKR 2. HBHCHC 3. 4492LI
- 5. 2401TO 6. 01LO38 7. 04KJOB
- 8. 198075 9. OVR70 10. H67JR1
- 11. 04JBR8 12. RDL89G 13. B8JLJ4
- 14. DNBE08 15. TMV281 16. LO9U3H
- 17. 9JHTQN 18. UKUTB8 19. 01HFJO
- 20. 1R7DCG 21. V30906 22. 4P4192
- 23. 40RSHP 24. E4DBQP 25. LFPOBO
- 26. 1H9615 27. MOBOPV 28. B9HH22
- 29. RN4RH9 30. BG6W61 31. 1W1440
- 32. 044080 33. E396V3 34. 740330
- 35. 2L41H1 36. SGOWOO 37. 48H093
- 38. FU5HJ9 39. OGU9PI 40. 294JBH
- 41. B608S0 42. P810B9 43. KWOHME
- 44. HC6YS8 45. 90OPNO 47. OOBI1O
- 48. HOO1OK 49. 1S4LOF 50. D80N6D
- 51. 3010LH 52. K47OMT 53. 09UPW9
- 54. OVE032 55. L29RHL 56. 6ORROR
- 57. H95LHT 60. 9LQHVU 61. HC932F
- 62. 117938 63. 6048HG 64. 4F039H
- 65. VOMO5V 66. CO1FHT 67. OS4500
- 68. 2U4BO5 69. CF6B71 70. 88H102
- 71. H844C3 72. OO5HOR 73. NOTON8
- 74. OD8V01 75. AH3HD8 76. TIDDI2
- 77. 43L6TV 78. 8HH0H3 79. 1I1S78
- 80. OIP4GO
- Toki
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you type KILLER during the game, the screen will flash, activating the
- in-game trainer.
- You will now be able to start on any level, by using the function keys, and
- have infinite lives.
- If you type KILLER a second time, the screen will turn upside down! This
- makes it quite hard to play.
- Torvak the Warrior
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type CHEAT................ on high scores and skip by pressing 1-5.
- Total Eclipse
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hold down 1 to 9 and press fire for a surprise.
- Total Recall
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LISTEN TO THE WHALES for invincibility. JIMMY HENDRIX lets your taxi become
- so on the that level.
- Solve for Level 1
- First, go right, collect the gun, then run to the right and jump over
- the first lift. Keep running to the next lift, go up three times and walk
- onto the lift that is waiting when you arrive. Go up, then left and collect
- the gun. Now go right to the next lift and down once.
- Go onto the next lift, and go up as far as you can see. Walk right, off
- the lift and run right to the next lift, picking up the object on the way.
- Go up on the lift, run right and go down three times on the next one that
- you come to. Run left, go down on the lift and run left again to collect the
- object. Run right to the first lift and go up, then go to the next lift and
- go up twice. Run right and go up on the lift once, then run and jump right.
- Collect the heart, run right,drop down through the hole and run to the exit.
- Toyota Celica Rally
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When asked to start the cars engine, press CTRL C to freeze the timer. Or C
- for the next stage.
- Trailblazer
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On titles hold down HELP, I, 1, and 2 then type CHEAT. Now in game:
- F3 - Remove gravity
- F5 - Change ball shapes
- F6 - Changes other players ball
- HEAR - Just listen to the laugh
- Trained Assassin
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Let the demo start then press and hold down 2,4, Y, LEFT CURSOR, and 7 on the
- keypad for infinites. Also hold down A, T, ., 4 and ENTER on the keypad.
- Now F1-F5 changes level.
- Transwar
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the title page enter ALEXANDRA for infinite lives.
- Treasure Island Dizzy
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Here are some objects, and where to use them:
- CHEST - Below the Cliff
- SNORKEL - In the water
- GRAVEDIGGER SPADE - In the grave on Island 2
- MAGIC STONE - Totem Pole (Island 2)
- AXE & BIBLE - Bridge (Island 1)
- POGO STICK - Pogo place on ship
- GOLD COINS - The Shop
- FIRE PROOF SUIT - Smuggler's Cave (Island 2)
- BRANDY - Shop
- GOLD EGG - Shop
- BRASS KEY - Smuggler's Cave
- CROWBAR - Rock in Water
- Or type ICANFLY at the beggining to fly.
- Turbo Challenge II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Turn It
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 10 = APRIKOSE
- Level 20 = MANDEL
- Level 30 = KIRSCHE
- Level 40 = PFIRSISCH
- Turrican
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get a high score and enter your name as BLUESMOBIL for 99 lives and 500 of
- everything else.
- Turrican II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press HELP for music menu. Press 1,4,2, ESC, ESC
- Unreal
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the animated screen with the 3D balls type ORDILOGICUS and hit the RETURN
- key. The screen will flash white or colours. Now you have all the energy
- you need next time you play and can skip levels by slamming RETURN.
- Untouchables
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause the game then type these codes to skip levels:
- 1 - Bride Rolls
- 2 - Mac N Alley
- 3 - Kid Zapping
- 4 - A Nit in Time
- Type SOUTHAMPTONGAZETTE and hit F10 for level skips. Press HELP on levels 2,
- 3 and 6 to warp to second half.
- Vaxine
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- While playing type WILDEBEAST. F1 to skip 1 level, F3 to skip 10 levels, F2
- and F4 do the oppossite.
- Venom Wing
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When the Thalamus logo appears quickly type IDJ and the screen will flash to
- let you know you have infinites.
- Venus - The Flytrap
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Level 02 - The Frozen Wastes MANTIDAS
- 03 - The Dead City CICADAS
- 04 - Wood World PSYLLIDS
- 05 - The Caverns PIERIDS
- 06 - Death Valley SATYRID
- 07 - The Creeping Swamp LYCAENID
- 08 - Tech World PYRALID
- 09 - Translucent Plain NOCTUID
- 10 - The Stygian Creek NO PASSWORD!
- JUPITER - infinite lives
- MARS - access all weapons
- SATURN - just try it
- PLUTO - infinite ammo
- MERCURY - contant flying ability
- Veteran
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press HELP to advance to the next stage.
- Vigilante
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type GREEN CRYSTAL on the score board then press F1 for extra lives & F8 to
- skip levels.
- Viking Child
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Virus
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hold ENTER on keypad and press P then O. Now:
- F - Refuel
- L - Move Lines
- C - Special Effects
- N - Resume Game
- O - Activate Demo Mode
- Viz
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type A GREAT LOAD OF BULLSHIT on the selection screen now 1-5 skips you around
- the levels.
- Voodoo Nightmare
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- All the nasties go to sleep at night. When you pause a game, the day/night
- timer still runs. Thus it is possible to play only during the safe night
- periods, and pausing the game during the dangerous daylight
- Voyager
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type WHEN THE SWEET SHOWERS OF APRIL FALL on options screen for cheats
- Warhawk
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- After loading, press F3. When you start the game, a blue blob appears on the
- screen. Pick it up and you get infinite power.
- Warhead
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When you first attack the bereserker hit him with everything including the
- MDC. He will keep following you. When Solbase says to take him anywhere, go
- to CH010 and he will get sucked into a black hole.
- Warlock the Avenger
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- At first treasure chest on level one, choose the key.
- Wayne Gretsky Hockey
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- While you are playing the game and powering up the rink towards the oppoment's
- goal with the puck in your possension, press the ? key to remove your
- opponent's goalie from his goal area. He'll reappear in a forward position
- so you'll be outnumbered, but it is better to have an open goal.
- Weird Dreams
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In the hall of mirrors, walk into the rightmost mirror as far as you can go
- without passing to the other side. At this point enter SOS on the HELP key in
- morse code which is ...---... 3 stabs of the HELP key followed by 3 presses of
- about 1 second intervals and 3 more in succession gives you infinite energy.
- Wicked
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- What the tarot cards mean, with an explanation:
- SUN: Arms you with eight-way autofire.
- STAR: A little star joins you, and fires when you do.
- DEATH: Gives you an extra life.
- HANGED MAN: Eats away at your time limit.
- MOON: The forces of evil hime in on you.
- WHEEL OF FORTUNE: Gives you energy, or takes it away
- LION: Shields you from evil forces.
- Wings
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Each letter of the word WINGS on the main menu does something. To access them
- hold down the CTRL Shift and Alt keys on the left side of the keyboard while
- holding down the right mouse button. While holding down these keys and
- button, you can click on each of the letters in Wings with the left mouse
- button. Each letter does the following:
- "W" toggles the music on and off
- "I" turns the CAPS LOCK key into an autofire button
- "N" no flight school missions required for new pilots
- "G" Guess
- "S" Saves game without having to exit
- To access the other cheats you must go to flight school.
- To get an awesome pilot (once only) click on the bullseye on the airplane at
- the top of the flight school menu. The screen will either flash or you will
- get a requester asking if you want to quit (say no). Then create a new pilot.
- Enter the name "Orca The Killer Tomato" (without the quotes, and remember it's
- case sensitive). Orca is all ready and doesn't need flight school.
- To access a menu of options (much of which is no longer useful or active)
- create a new pilot. Enter the name " Who is The Riddler" Leave off the
- quotes but be sure and type the two leading spaces. DO NOT HIT RETURN to
- enter the name, hit ESC instead. Then just follow the prompt.
- If you run from a hard disk you can hit LEFT-AMIGA ESC to toggle to the
- Workbench screen and back.
- The first thing to do while busting balloons is take out the AA gun. Not so
- hard to do so give it a bash.
- In dog fights always attack from above. If you attack below the other plane
- will climb which is very annoying. By attacking from above you drive the
- other plane down rather than up.
- When you are being tailed hold the joystick to the bottom-right. You should
- turn off to the right and out of the other planes line of fire.
- Wings of Fury
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type COLIN WAS HERE to activate the cheat mode, now use the following keys;
- P Gives you 9 planes
- C Change your weapon
- M Gives you 99 items of the weapon you are using
- D Immunity
- F Refuel
- Wizball
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause and enter RAINBOWT for cheats.
- Pause the game (spacebar) and type RAINBOW resume the game and press space
- again. Now hit C to fill the pot with the current colour.
- X-Out
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On the equip screen select the white bug ship and put it on the grid area then
- choose the single orange laser, drag to the face of the shop owner & keep
- clicking the left mouse button till you get $500,000.
- Xenon
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kill yourself on level 2, stage 2 and all the aliens will die.
- Xenon II
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pause the game and type RUSSIAN AIR then unpause the game. The N key now
- skips a stage.
- *** What And Where To Buy ***
- ------------------------------
- LEVEL 1, SHOP 1: Buy Health, Super Nashwan
- LEVEL 1, SHOP 2: Sell Rear Shot, Buy Double Shot and Side Shot
- LEVEL 2, SHOP 1: Buy Side Shot
- LEVEL 2, SHOP 2: Sell Side Shot
- LEVEL 3, SHOP 1: Buy Health and Rear Shot.
- LEVEL 3, SHOP 2: Sell Rear Shot, Buy Side Shot, Laser, and Power Up
- LEVEL 4, SHOP 1: Sell Rear Shot, Sell Side Shot
- Try to stick with your best weapon, and end up with 2 Cannons, 2 Lasers and
- either Side Shot or Rear Shot.
- Always spend your money in the shops as you cannot take leftover cash.
- *** Halfway and End Monsters ***
- --------------------------------
- SNAIL: Shoot at eye, avoid mines
- ALIEN: Shoot eyes at either side at top. Scroll back and shoot center
- eye
- SPIDER: Destroy as much web as possible. Fly down to face spider and
- fire continuously.
- CRAYFISH: Travels in figure eight. Stay below and fire in it's face.
- SNAKE: Attacks from left of screen.
- DRAGON: Shoot the side heads first, then tail, then main head.
- HEAD: Shoot both eyes, avoiding laser fire and extending tongue. Shoot
- at head when tongue goes in.
- TANK: Use missiles
- GRAND SPACESHIP: Shoot all cannons until totally destroyed.
- +--------------------+---------+--------------------------------+
- | Advice | 200 | Only useful after Level 1 |
- | Speedup | 500 | Essential to survival |
- | Half Health | 500 | Restores half your energy |
- | Autofire | 500 | Needed if joystick has none |
- | Nashwan | 600 | 10 Seconds of sheer heaven |
- | Full Health | 1000 | Restores full energy |
- | Rear Shot | 1000 | Very effective on later levels |
- | Small Mine | 1000 | Useless |
- | Side Shot | 1000 | Cannot be used with Rear Shot |
- | Electroball | 1200 | Too sensitive to control |
- | Power-Up | 2000 | Double bullet size |
- | Large Mine | 3000 | Useless |
- | Double Shot | 3000 | Recommended on later levels |
- | Cannon | 4000 | Effective when using two |
- | Dive | 4000 | Waste of Money, but fun |
- | Missiles | 4000 | Weak to start with |
- | Laser | 4000 | Awesome when using two or more |
- | Drone | 4500 | Two slow |
- | Flamer | 5000 | Extremely limited range |
- | Bomb | 5500 | Limited range but powerful |
- | Extra Life | 6000 | You'll need lots of these! |
- | Homers | 6000 | Four slow but powerful missiles|
- | Protection | 6000 | Doesn't do much |
- | Bitmap Shades | 6000 | Darkens Screen - useless |
- +--------------------+---------+--------------------------------+
- Xybots
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Enter ALF for your name at brag screen for infinites.
- If you manage to reach level 10, you're better off using your radar to kill
- the Xybots. Just line them up using radar and fire, you don't have to be able
- to see them.
- Keep as many keys with you as possible because some levels don't have enough
- to complete them.
- There are short cuts to level seven on levels one and four - you get extra
- cash for using them.
- If you have the extra energy upgrade try not to let your energy fall below
- 100m, because you lose the upgrade if it does.
- Drums are not just decorations - hide behind them when possible and use your
- zapper near to them to find more cannon power.
- On level eight, near to the top left hand transporter you can get to two white
- coins by blasting away one of the three walls around them.
- Don't split up in the two-player game, because it's easier to complete it
- together.
- The master Xybot lives on level 11, and you'll need to stock up on double
- shot and extra shot speed to stand a chance of survival.
- Try to get one Xybot to stand behind another - they'll blow each other apart.
- Z-Out
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Press J and K at the same time during play for invincibility.
- Press J and 1-6 to skip to that level.
- Zany Golf
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To get to the secret level make it to the last level (good luck) and look for
- the mousehole. When the two eyes flash knock the ball in and off you go to
- the Mystery hole.
- Zeus
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Levelcodes
- 01 - no code 09 - Thenewstyle 17 - Bombthebass 25 - Technotroni
- 02 - Ecstasy 10 - Was Not Was 18 - D.N.A 26 - Betty Boo
- 03 - Secci 11 - Beats Int. 19 - Ice MC 27 - 49ERS
- 04 - Publicenemy 12 - Mowtronix 20 - M.C. Hammer 28 - AC/DC
- 05 - Run DMC 13 - Double Dee 21 - Tony Scott 29 - Sex Pistols
- 06 - Ice-T 14 - Vanilla Ice 22 - Chadjackson 30 - Obituary
- 07 - Tone Loc 15 - N.W.A 23 - Beatmasters 31 - Sacrament
- 08 - L.L. Cool J 16 - Daisy Dee 24 - Nenehcherry 32 - Judaspriest
- Ziriax
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- While playing press 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 to light up a power and RETURN to activate
- it.
- Zombi
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have seen Dawn Of The Dead, you already have a good idea on how to
- solve most of the puzzles. But here's some extra tips anyway: 1) To lock up
- the mall to keep zombies from getting in, you need to park the trucks over
- the entrances. Get the key from the office on the 2nd floor and go to the
- 4th floor where the keys to the trucks are kept. 2) To keep the dead zombies
- from coming to un-life, lock them up in the freezer in the basement. 3) before
- you can go play in the basement, you need a source of light.Get the fuses and
- gloves from the 3rd floor and go to it!!
- Zoom
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hit F10 and then choose your starting level 1-30.
- End.